Ferrara and its duchy

1st day
Arrival on Friday and accommodation in private rooms. Free lunch with the possibility of a tasting of local excellences in a famous café in the historic center, all accompanied by an excellent glass of wine. You should visit Palazzo Ducale immediately, if the municipal activities do not hinder the entrance, with its beautiful rooms: "Sala dell'Arengo" and "Sala degli Arazzi" and also the magnificent "Camerino delle Duchesse" (The Palace can be visited only during the opening of the municipal offices and if there are no events such as weddings, municipal councils or press conferences). Entering from the monumental staircase you can make the path coming out of the ancient "Via Coperta" the escape route that the Duke used to sneak out, coming out in Piazza Savonarola.
Going out you can enter the Cathedral of Ferrara which is currently still under restoration but is accessible to the public with a museum itinerary. Next to the Duomo and not to be missed, the magnificent Cathedral Museum.
Free dinner and overnight at the hotel.

2nd day
Breakfast at the hotel and day dedicated to the visit of the Renaissance city. Starting from Ercole I d'Este, passing the Quadrivio degli Angeli and the monumental cemetery of the Certosa. you will reach the ancient walls defensive bulwark of the city. Perfectly preserved and 9 km long, they are passable only on foot or by bicycle and are very popular with Ferraris who regularly visit them as a place of leisure and sport. You will continue to Piazza Ariostea, famous for the races during the Palio held every year in May, passing by the Via delle Vigne seat of the Jewish Cemetery* and where lies our illustrious citizen, the writer Giorgio Bassani, author of the famous novels "Il Giardino dei Finzi Contini" and "Una notte del '43"
Free lunch.
In the early afternoon guided tour of the Estense Castle. Surrounded by its moat which recalls its origins as a military fortress, it became over time the residence of the ducal court. Inside the impregnable prisons, where they were imprisoned not common prisoners, but famous people considered dangerous enemies of the court. On the ground floor the medieval rooms and the cannon ramp lead to the so-called piano nobile, where you can admire the Giardino degli Aranci, the ducal chapel and the large frescoed halls. With a small surcharge you can access the Torre dei Leoni to admire the panorama of the city from above. Free dinner and overnight at the hotel.

3rd days
Breakfast at the hotel. To complete the tour of the city we recommend an optional excursion aboard an ancient restored Venetian boat, along the Po di Volano. The Nena, whose name comes from the woman to whom it is dedicated whose history you will discover on board, sails from the Kunderkammer Pier, within walking distance. Its commander Georg, a certified guide and expert of the river, will accompany you in this pleasant experience to visit the city from another perspective.

*The Jewish Cemetery can be visited free of charge at the discretion of the caretaker every day except Saturdays for public holidays.